Whereas: Gun owners sent a message on Nov. 5 by rejecting Kamala Harris and the Left’s gun control agenda and want the Ohio General Assembly to secure big wins for gun owners this year; and
Whereas: Enhanced Stand-Your-Ground law would provide badly needed upgrades to our self-defense laws, ensuring that gun owners can’t be prosecuted for legitimate self-defense cases; and
Whereas: REAL Constitutional Carry law would restore the right to carry any legally owned weapon you choose to defend yourself, instead of applying only to handguns; and
Whereas: Passing the Second Amendment Preservation Act would ensure that future Democratic Presidents can’t use Ohio cops to enforce federal gun control laws against us; and
Therefore: As your constituent, I insist that you CO-SPONSOR, SUPPORT, AND VOTE YES on each of these bills because they will defend freedom for generations to come! Ohio Gun Owners will keep me informed on your votes.