The Senate Stand-Your-Ground bill, Senate Bill 237 by Senator Terry Johnson, has been scheduled for proponent testimony!
This is a very important event, so please mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 3rd at 3:15pm in the South Hearing Room of the Ohio Senate, and Site, please plan on attending.
SB237 is the mirror image of House Bill 381 by Representatives Candice Keller and Ron Hood, and if passed it will join Ohio with thirty-six other states that have Stand-Your-Ground protections for lawful gun owners.
Specifically, the bill would simply remove the legal burden to attempt a retreat from a violent attack, provide protection for victims of violent crime against anti-gun prosecutors or frivolous civil suits, and codify the threatened use of force as a deescalation tool for violent situations.
This is proponent testimony, the pro-gun community’s opportunity to show up in force and let the committee and General Assembly know that gun owners dang well support this bill.
We would LOVE for you to attend this meeting in order to show your support!
For those of you who wish (and we very much hope you do), this is your opportunity to officially submit testimony in support of the bill to the committee.
What you’ll need to do is write out your testimony and submit it to the committee chair’s office 24 hours before the committee starts that day. In other words, you are urged to write and submit your testimony by Monday, December 2nd at 3:15pm.
Once you have your testimony written, you have two options available to you.
First, you can submit your testimony in written form for distribution to the committee members to read for themselves.
In this is what you wish to do, please compose and email your testimony to [email protected], and note in your email that you wish for your testimony to be entered into the written record.
Your written testimony can be as long as you need to make your points, and of course, you can still attend the meeting and we hope that you do so.
But we also need people to offer their public testimony to the committee in person that day!
If you are able to testify to the committee in person, you’ll need to write out and submit your testimony to the committee 24 hours ahead of time.
You will also need to fill out a witness slip, which I have attached to this email.
Please keep your testimony to roughly 5 minutes, and once you have it written you can submit it and your witness slip to: [email protected].
As a bonus, the same committee will also be hearing another round of proponent testimony for SB221, the Husted/DeWine gun-control omnibus bill.
That means your presence at this committee hearing will serve two purposes, both in support of SB237 AND in opposition to SB221’s gun-control!
Site, I really hope you can make it.
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected], and please include your phone number for a call back.
If you know that you will not be able to attend, please email your senators and demand that they vote YES on SB237 and vote NO on SB221!
Thank you for all you do to defend our gun rights!
For Ohio,
Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners
P.S. The Ohio Gun Owners 2020 membership drive is under way, and we are asking all of our 2019 members to renew your support in OGO for 2020!
For our basic memberships, please go here. For our enhanced memberships that come with member swag, please go here.
Already a member? Contribute HERE.