Whereas: ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation laws allow my guns to be confiscated by liberal judge who listen to hearsay evidence against me, and before I’ve been arrested, indicted, or convicted of a crime; and
Whereas: These ‘Red Flag’ laws destroy my due process rights and invert the long held American jurisprudence concept of innocent until proven guilty; and
Whereas: Congress passed a bill that allocates $750,000,000 to bribe states like Ohio into passing these ‘Red Flag’ laws. Over two dozen RINO Republicans stood with Democrats in D.C. and voted for this; and
Whereas: Ohio Gun Owners tells me that this is emboldening RINOs in Columbus who would happily stab gun owners in the back in exchange for tens of millions of ‘free’ dollars from the Federal Government; and
Therefore: As a voter in your district, I insist that you stop, block and vote HELL NO on ‘Red Flag’ laws here in Ohio. I’ll be watching your vote!