This article is part ONE of a two-part breakdown of the Wednesday vote on the Ohio Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA). I’ve written the basic vote information on top, with the comprehensive breakdown below. The second article, which will come early next week,...
I have some very important information to share with you about this Ohio House Speaker battle and then a link for you to take action below, so please read this update in its entirety! Many of you have been contacting us asking, “why does the Speaker of the House...
We have been bombarded here at OGO headquarters by gun owners across the state asking us for input on Issue 1 and how it can affect our gun rights. That’s why we’ve put this article together for you so you can read it and share it with all your pro-gun friends and...
It’s the same now after every shooting: a killer walks into a gun-free zone, breaks every law on the books and on the heart, and then the Hate-America Left feigns indignation and promptly gets to work sledgehammering the 2nd Amendment. More often than not, the mass...
This is Ohio Gun Owners ACTION alert! We are asking all OGO members/supporters, regardless of where you live, to read this short article and then take five minutes to contact the offenders listed below. More on that in a minute. Here’s the situation: the Champaign...