It is election season in Battleground Ohio, and Ohio Gun Owners is in full-blown battle mode as we prepare and unload massive round after massive round of ads, direct mail and emails into targeted districts all over our state!
Election season is our chance, Ohio gun owners’ chance, to repay the politicians in Columbus for every trick, every turn and every betrayal they committed against gun owners in the legislative season.
Let me repeat that: election season is when gun owners get payback on the politicians for what they did or didn’t do for us during the time we gave them to represent and work for us.
That’s why Ohio Gun Owners is unloading some of the most hard-hitting and brutal ads ever run in Ohio history right now!
As you no doubt remember, Dolan is the chief architect and sponsor of Mike DeWine’s gun-control MEGA bill, the same bill you and I have been fighting ever since DeWine introduced it last fall (SB221)!
If Dolan and DeWine’s bill passes it would create a Statewide Red Flag Gun Confiscation law that would empower liberal judges to strip you of your firearms with ZERO due-process.
Just as bad, Dolan’s bill would create a de facto statewide gun registration program that would empower our government to track, trace and register gun owners like we are some kind of sex offenders.
That includes holding wealthy scoundrels like Matt Dolan (his family owns the Cleveland Indians and bans gun owners from their facility) accountable for his evil betrayal of gun owners.
Remember how angry you felt watching DeWine and Dolan at their gun-control press conferences announcing how they wanted to punish you, a law-abiding gun owner, for the crimes committed by the Dayton killer?
Remember all the times you’ve thought to yourself, “they can pass a million gun-control laws, but the only people who will obey them are good people, not criminals?”
This is your chance to directly, PERSONALLY, hold one of those corrupt politicians accountable for their attacks on our freedoms and our way of life.
For Freedom,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners