Bloomberg’s in Ohio..

Michael Bloomberg is on the warpath in Ohio.

As the keynote speaker at a gun control event hosted a few weeks ago, Bloomberg railed against your rights, bragging about “landing punches” and that your Second Amendment rights are “on the ropes.”

He concluded by saying “we’re getting stronger and stronger!”

Bloomberg is zeroing in on Ohio as one of his main targets because he’s hopeful that if he can keep an ally in the Governors mansion and flip enough strategic seats in the House and Senate elections that he’ll be able to run a complete sweep for gun-control through our state government!

He’s pledged $100 MILLION to elect gun-grabbers nationwide and to make his hopes of ramming gun-control into law in Ohio a reality!

That’s in addition to unlimited millions of dollars from George Soros!

(Michael Bloomberg banging the drums for radical gun control)

Bloomberg and his gang of elitist left-wingers want one thing — elimination of our Second Amendment rights.

That’s why they’re targeting Ohio so heavily. If they can make a Midwest state like Ohio into a gun-control “utopia” like California, then more and more states will fall.

But we know the details of Bloomberg’s gun control agenda.  It’s ugly.

Bloomberg’s gun control includes (these are just the highlights):

*** Banning of firearms, magazines, and ammunition owned by millions of Ohio citizens;

*** Statewide gun registration of all firearms stored in a government database;

*** So-called “Red Flags” gun confiscation orders that would be implemented without due process of the law

*** New state “mental health” mandates that creates government databases of who can and cannot carry or possess firearms

*** Elimination of all private firearms sales between individuals without having to first ask government for permission, which would virtually end all gun shows in Ohio.

Bloomberg’s strategy is for you to stay home in November.

He wants to use his 10s of MILLIONS of dollars to turn out the anti-gun vote, seize control of our state government, then ram gun control down your throat.

The good news is, OGO is leading the fight to protect your Second Amendment rights in Ohio from Bloomberg’s gun control agenda.

By strategically using resources supplied to us by our members (we don’t have any billionaire supporters cutting us checks), we’re able to target those who likely oppose the Second Amendment in Ohio.

But with “Lame Duck” session quickly approaching and our work in the 2018 election not done yet, I’m asking for your support today.

Please click here to make a generous contribution right now to help us Stop Michael Bloomberg’s Gun Control Agenda.

As you’ll see, there’s even options to give at a variety of levels to help us sustain the pressure on the politicians while mobilizing more and more Ohio gun owners to action against Bloomberg’s left-wing agenda.

While you are going about your day, the gun grabbers are working to destroy your gun rights. They’re well-funded and they work long hours.

Their goal is elimination of the Second Amendment.

That’s why if you’re not talking to friends, family, and coworkers about the details of their agenda, they will win now AND they will win long term.

And I shudder to think what that looks like for my kids.

So help us fight for you – please take action today by forwarding this email to your friends and making a generous contribution.

Defending our Second Amendment rights depends on it.

For Freedom,

Chris Dorr, Director
Ohio Gun Owners

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