This is breaking news from Washington, D.C.! In direct response to the staggering amount of pressure that gun owners have been applying to Congress, Nancy Pelosi was forced to pull the ‘Assault Weapons’ ban from the calendar today! More than that, insiders are...
Gun owners have a chance to hit a grand slam in the August 2nd elections, so mark your calendars to go vote. More on that in a minute. But first, what if I told you that arguably the most important political entity in Ohio is probably one that you’ve never heard...
Negotiations between RINO traitors and leftist losers in the Senate are taking place RIGHT NOW! This is an all-hands-on-deck fight. Rob Portman is actively and publicly screwing gun owners like you and me right now and we’ve got to fight back! Because if we...
You can’t fix stupid, so Buckeye Firearms Association is at it again. This time, Buckeye Firearms Association is targeting Freedom Caucus member and verified pro-gun Congressman Warren Davidson (OH-8). Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) is attacking Congressman Warren...
In a huge White House lawn press conference yesterday afternoon, Joe Biden raged about Americans who own AR-15s and vowed to ban every single one of them while he has the votes in Congress! While bragging about the massive ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ funding bill he...
The last few weeks have been a rollercoaster ride for our Second Amendment. As you know, last week the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a landmark ruling that upholds freedom and invalidates blatantly unconstitutional gun laws in blue states around the nation. At the...