‘Ghost guns’…’untraceable guns’…’black market guns.’ The Biden Administration is doing everything they can to guilt gun owners into supporting Biden’s Executive Actions that would make felons out of gun owners who have homemade firearms. They want to...
This email is about Bill Seitz, one of the most corrupt Representatives in Columbus, and a chief obstacle to passing major pro-gun bills in Ohio. Keep reading to find out how you can counterattack to defeat him. OGO members and supporters like you have done a massive...
The message from last night’s election in Virginia was sent loud and clear: GUN OWNERS DEMAND ACTION! The American people are fed up with Joe Biden’s radical-left ‘woke’ agenda, and his assault on our Second Amendment freedoms. In both New Jersey and Virginia,...
As you saw in our email yesterday, the Republicans on the Ohio House Government Oversight Committee voted to adopt the weakening sub-bill to HB227, the Ohio Gun Owners Constitutional Carry bill. But now they’re beginning to realize the vulnerability they have in...
We have an urgent update on Constitutional Carry for you and I hope you will take action immediately. Representative Al Cutrona was just added to the House Government Oversight Committee this morning — in Andrea White’s place. As the new Vice Chair, he is...
!!! EMERGENCY GUN OWNER ALERT !!! Pelosi Passes Red Flag Gun Confiscation Bill Through the House Judiciary Committee — House Floor Vote IMMINENT! Just as we warned you, Pelosi’s hand-picked goon on the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler, passed...