Dayton – one year later.

Dayton – one year later.

One year ago this morning, a killer walked into the Oregon District in Dayton, OH and murdered nine people and wounded seventeen others. We were on scene that evening to mourn the loss of those innocent people. But the Radical Left’s insatiable urge to spin the...
Ohio Gun Owners is Under Attack!

Ohio Gun Owners is Under Attack!

  The radical left is attacking Ohio Gun Owners and I need your help to fight back! As many of you noticed, OGO’s online fundraising ability ‘went dark’ some time ago, severing our ability to raise support online, at the worst possible time. You see, OGO has...
Gun Rationing in H.R. 5717!

Gun Rationing in H.R. 5717!

With all that has been going on in our state (and our country as a whole) over the last month, sales of firearms and ammunition have been skyrocketing! It’s easy to see why. It seems like every hour brings more concerning news about the Coronavirus and the state and...
Action ALERT: Senate FIX to HB228 Introduced!

Action ALERT: Senate FIX to HB228 Introduced!

Your phone calls, emails and Tweets demanding a fix to stop HB228 from making felons out of law-abiding gun owners on March 28th are working! Only moments ago, Senator Kristina Roegner (R-Hudson) introduced Senate Bill 53 which would FIX HB228 and prevent its...
Legal Threats to Shut Down Ohio Gun Owners?!

Legal Threats to Shut Down Ohio Gun Owners?!

Any day now I expect a loud knock at my door. A slick anti-gun government lawyer — armed with trumped-up legal complaints from Michael Bloomberg-backed gun control organizations and their pals in our General Assembly — will be grinning from ear-to-ear as...