It’s summertime and many Ohioans are letting politics take a back seat while they enjoy some time outside, vacations with their families, and watching Ohio kids play Little League baseball. But for the cultural Marxists in D.C. who want to turn American into a...
With pressure building for the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) here in Ohio and in ‘red’ states across the country, there is a danger that gun owners need to be watching for. You see, done properly and passed as a state law, the Second Amendment Preservation...
BREAKING NEWS: We just received word that HB227, Constitutional Carry, is up for another hearing TOMORROW at 9AM at the Statehouse! Make no mistake, this is due to the pressure YOU have been pouring on Chairman Shane Wilkin and the committee members to bring up and...
The House State and Local Government Committee hearing went better than expected. Because of YOU the committee did NOT adopt a substitute bill to water the bill down. While it was mainly the Red Shirt Radical Lyin’ Commie Mommy Brigade’s turn to testify,...
The ATF is taking a wonderful beating in the news and on Capitol Hill lately, and if we fight even harder, we may be able to STOP their attack on AR-15 pistol braces, as well! Over the last few months, David Chipman, Biden’s nominee to lead the ATF, has taken such a...
Imagine getting a call from a neighbor while you’re at work, who tells you that a sheriff’s department SWAT Team forced their way into your home and is currently carrying your rifles, shotguns, and handguns (along with your ammo) out of your house and into a waiting...