Help us STOP H.R. 8!

Help us STOP H.R. 8!

Nancy Pelosi is working around the clock to deal a kill shot to our gun rights as she works to pass H.R. 8. This bill would create what the gun-grabbers have always wanted: a national database of every gun and gun owner in the country! This bill already has a whopping...
Congress to Take Up National Gun Registry Legislation TODAY!

Congress to Take Up National Gun Registry Legislation TODAY!

As we work around the clock trying to add Ohio to the growing list of Stand-Your-Ground and Constitutional Carry states, we are also paying close attention to the war against gun owners going on in Washington, D.C. That’s why I’m writing you today, as it appears...
Pelosi Introduces National Gun Owner Registration

Pelosi Introduces National Gun Owner Registration

Yesterday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared open war on the Second Amendment by introducing H.R. 8 — National Gun Owner Registration. Having been funded to the tune of well over $100 million from billionaire, anti-gun NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, her...
Little Marco Rubio Introduced Red Flags Gun Seizure Bill

Little Marco Rubio Introduced Red Flags Gun Seizure Bill

Moments after the U.S. Senate gaveled in on Thursday, Florida Republican Senator Little Marco Rubio introduced Senate Bill 7 — ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscations.’ This is the fight I’ve warned about for months, and now it’s finally here. In a...
Read My Letter to President Trump

Read My Letter to President Trump

Yesterday I signed a pointed letter to an acquaintance of our organization — Special Assistant to the President of the United States — who vowed to circulate it among Senior White House staff. The letter, which I’ve linked for you to read below, was...