ALERT: Gun Control Vote IMMINENT

ALERT: Gun Control Vote IMMINENT

THIS IS A OGO EMERGENCY ALERT PLEASE READ THIS SHORT MESSAGE AND TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY! Moments ago we learned that House Bill 383, sponsored by Representative Kyle Koehler, is going to be voted on in the House Government Oversight Committee and then put on the...
OH Senate Republicans Pushing Gun Control?!

OH Senate Republicans Pushing Gun Control?!

Two weeks ago we told you about Matt Dolan and his gun-control bill, Senate Bill 357: We also told you about his plans to use his Finance Committee Chairmanship and his bill as a springboard to launch his 2024 U.S. Senate Campaign. But we haven’t told you who is to...
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Ohio Gun Owners!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Ohio Gun Owners!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Ohio Gun Owners! It’s been a heck of a year for gun owners in Ohio and across the country. We held the line against most of Biden’s gun control agenda, flipped the House earlier this month, and expanded the pro-gun majorities in...
Renew Your Membership In Ohio Gun Owners for 2023!

Renew Your Membership In Ohio Gun Owners for 2023!

After a two-year battle to defend our gun rights from the ferocious attacks of Joe Biden’s Radical Left, gun owners across America were hoping for a ‘Red Wave’ on Election Night. In fact, many of us expected it. I know I did. But as we all know, that’s not what...
The gun bill House Republicans are pushing…

The gun bill House Republicans are pushing…

Lame duck session is in full swing at the Ohio General Assembly. Bills are flying in and out of committee rooms and legislative chambers. Gun bills, too – but not in a good way. Earlier this week, Chris was in the Ohio Senate for the hearing on Matt...
Gun Owners Win BIG in Ohio!

Gun Owners Win BIG in Ohio!

OGO Nation delivered HUGE wins in Tuesday’s elections. The Republican majorities Columbus were expanded by stacking in several solid, pro-gun legislators, Tim Ryan’s goal of getting to Washington and joining Biden’s war against Ohio was thwarted and Nan Whaley’s...