We’ve got another very important Constitutional Carry update to share with you below, so please read this entire email and then take action. In case you missed our update from yesterday, Rob and I have been meeting with Senators, including every Republican member of...
After gun owners shut down their attempt to ram H.R. 8 into law earlier this week through a ‘unanimous consent motion,’ Senate Democrats are furious and vowing to do whatever it takes to enact this national registry of gun owners. In fact, in a floor speech just days...
Please read the below email for an update on Constitutional Carry in the Ohio Senate. Rob and I spent the day meeting with Senators and staff, gathering info and gauging support for Constitutional Carry. You can watch our full recap from the Statehouse (including a...
‘Ghost guns’…’untraceable guns’…’black market guns.’ The Biden Administration is doing everything they can to guilt gun owners into supporting Biden’s Executive Actions that would make felons out of gun owners who have homemade firearms. They want to...
This email is about Bill Seitz, one of the most corrupt Representatives in Columbus, and a chief obstacle to passing major pro-gun bills in Ohio. Keep reading to find out how you can counterattack to defeat him. OGO members and supporters like you have done a massive...
Ever since the radical left flipped the House of Delegates and the State Senate in 2019, Virginia has been hit with wave after wave of the worst gun control legislation you can imagine. In two years’ time Virginia enacted ‘Red Flag’ laws, a statewide gun registry, a...