For several months now, gun owners have been on high alert, and doing everything they can to shut down Joe Biden’s war on gun owners — flooding Congress with calls, emails, and petitions against gun control! Dianne Feinstein’s ‘Assault Weapon’s Ban’ is a major...
Thirty-five members of the United States Senate want to hit you with felony charges and put you in prison for up to a decade for ‘crimes’ like buying an AR-15 or any magazine that holds over ten rounds of ammo. In fact, when Dianne Feinstein rolled out her ‘Assault...
It’s open season on gun owners in America! As we learned from his press release last weekend, Joe Biden is 100% committed to banning the possession of the AR-15 and hundreds of similar rifles in America, as well as the magazines that are needed to run them. But he’s...
Well folks, he warned us this was coming. Last week we saw State Senator Cecil Thomas’ press release outlining his plan to absolutely destroy our gun rights and turn us all into criminals overnight. Now we have the details of these bills, and it’s enough to make...
Ohio Gun Owners’ Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) has been introduced in Columbus by State Representative Mike Loychik! Known as House Bill 62, our SAPA legislation will SHUT DOWN Joe Biden’s gun control agenda by requiring Ohio’s peace officers to ONLY...
Stand-Your-Ground law is under attack by weak and betraying Republicans in Columbus, and we need gun owners to take action NOW to defeat them! OGO’s members and supporters like you, my friend, have been bombarding the Ohio Statehouse with phone calls, emails and...