Election 2022 – Jim Renacci!

Ohio Gun Owners recently had the opportunity to interview 2022 Ohio Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Renacci at True North Coffee and Café near our headquarters in Lancaster, OH. Jim went on record signing OGO’s candidate survey 100% in favor of our gun rights and chatted...

Urgent: Dettelbach Hearings Coming Fast in the Senate!

Joe Biden’s political impotence at passing gun control in the Senate means that the only way he can repay his debt to Michael Bloomberg for installing him in the White House is via Executive Orders — orders that will be enforced by the ATF. And that’s why Biden...

OGO Releases First Ad in US Senate Primary

We are under three weeks away from the May 3 Republican primary to decide who will replace Rob Portman to represent us in Washington D.C. One of the candidates running in the crowded Republican field is Matt Dolan. Matt Dolan’s record on gun rights is abominable, and...

NYC Shooting: What Biden Won’t Tell You!

The moment the news broke earlier this week about a mass shooting in New York City, every gun grabber in America crossed their fingers and hoped for the best. Of course, to these demented people, ‘the best’ would mean that the criminal would end up being a young white...

Biden’s New ATF Nominee: Worse than David Chipman!

Last year, gun owners across America stood up and rejected David Chipman’s nomination to run the scandal-ridden ATF because he was a power-hungry maniac who wanted to throw us all in prison. Now, we’re going to have to do it again. According to several sources,...
Betrayal: These Ohio Republicans Helped Biden Pass Gun Control!

Betrayal: These Ohio Republicans Helped Biden Pass Gun Control!

Gun owners have been pounding on Ohio’s Congressional delegation for several months to oppose the horrific Violence Against Women Act (VAWA,) which was stacked with gun control provisions. Feeling the heat from gun owners, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer were afraid that...