It was a political fight that spanned multiple election cycles, three General Assemblies, tens of thousands of phone calls, hundreds of thousands of emails sent and a tidal wave of crushing political pressure that Ohio had never seen before. But on June 13, 2022, only...
I’ll have more details shortly, but I wanted you to know first – Mike DeWine has signed SB215, making Ohio the 23rd state to pass Constitutional Carry into law! Ninety-one days from now, SB215 will go into effect, and Ohio will no longer need to bend the knee to...
THIS IS AN OGO EMERGENCY ALERT. PLEASE READ THIS SHORT EMAIL AND TAKE ACTION! I’ve got some disturbing news on Constitutional Carry. At a press conference on Friday, DeWine signaled a potential VETO of Constitutional Carry! Check out my video in response here:...
Due to the sheer number of OGO members and supporters absolutely BOMBARDING the Governor’s main phone line, DeWine and his staff have shut off the phone completely. Even worse, the answering machine is directing folks to the Governor’s website contact...
We never picked this fight. In our battle for freedom and our efforts to protect, preserve and advance our gun rights, we wish for nothing more than to have a unified front among the gun-rights groups in Ohio. That’s why Ohio Gun Owners is proud to call people like...
We are only one signature away from Constitutional Carry being law in Ohio – Mike DeWine’s. And because you and me and everyone we love and who loves freedom in Ohio worked our ever-living tails off, SB215 is sitting on DeWine’s desk! We all know Mike DeWine’s...