If you’ve been following our emails or social media, you know that Ohio history is going to be made this week – or total treachery. We have confirmation that Constitutional Carry will be brought up for a vote on the House floor this week, most likely TOMORROW! It’s go...
I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss Chris’ email from yesterday, Michelle. This may very well be the biggest week for gun rights in Ohio history. We are asking every gun owner, everyone who loves our state and country and who love freedom to focus on doing whatever...
OGO is hearing feedback from several channels now that Constitutional Carry will be on the floor of the Ohio House for a full-blown floor vote this week! This is huge news, but we don’t have time to celebrate now. The bill could make it to the House floor as early as...
A normal President — confronted with the blowout election results out of Virginia just two weeks ago — would realize that the American people are furious and would try to change course. After all, if what happened to rabid leftist gubernatorial...
Joe Biden is having a difficult time moving his gun control agenda through Congress, but that doesn’t mean he can’t hammer on our freedoms through unconstitutional Executive Orders. And right now, that’s exactly what Biden is doing. Biden’s first two Executive Orders...
This email is about Bill Seitz, one of the most corrupt Representatives in Columbus, and a chief obstacle to passing major pro-gun bills in Ohio. Keep reading to find out how you can counterattack to defeat him. OGO members and supporters like you have done a massive...