The events of the last two months have changed the way gun owners here in Ohio– and across the country — look at their right to keep and bear arms.
It’s clear to everyone now that our gun rights aren’t some trite political talking point or a historical throwback to our nation’s liberation from English tyranny.
And with power-hungry governors across the country and right here in Ohio implementing draconian measures that suspended CHL issuance and scared many gun stores into closing, one other thing has become very clear:
Constitutional Carry law is far from a luxury item. The last two months have proven, once and for all, that Ohioans need Constitutional Carry law immediately!
Everyone knows that grassroots gun owners have done their job over the years by making sure the radical left remains in the minority in the Ohio General Assembly.
But even though pro-gun Ohioans have consistently delivered pro-gun majorities to the Statehouse, we have hardly anything to show for it!
Our surrounding states all have Stand-Your-Ground law. But not Ohio – not even so much as a vote on it.
And we don’t have Constitutional Carry, either.
As you’ll remember, Constitutional Carry just gets government out of the rights-regulation business when it comes to self-defense so that government can’t “order” the second amendment to “close.”
With sixteen states already having passed Constitutional Carry, the fact is that gun owners have been working hard to build support for pro-gun legislation for years, and now it’s time the legislature does their job.
But with anti-gunners working in the legislature as we speak to advance gun control, we need to make our voices heard louder than ever.
Do we face an uphill battle? Yep.
But if not now, when?
It is no secret now – Virginia and the Covid-19 fallout have proven that when terrible leftist militants gain power, they seize every little bit they can get.
The fact is, our “pro-gun” super-majorities in the Ohio House and Senate should be busy ramming pro-gun bills through before we never get the chance again!
The time to fight for Constitutional Carry is always NOW!
Ohioan’s safety should never be contingent on the government being open for business or not, and it should never be left to the whims of politicians in Columbus.
Constitutional Carry would ensure that our ability to defend our loved ones would never be threatened again!
Remember, our fellow gun owners in Kentucky don’t have to obtain government permission to buy or carry a firearm. Neither do our neighbors in West Virginia, as both of these states have enacted Constitutional Carry law!
It’s time the Ohio General Assembly do their job and make Ohio a Constitutional Carry state, as well.
That’s why I need you to sign your petition today!
And with all that is going on, I need to ask for your continued financial support, too, so that we can continue to fight for you.
Between mobilizing Ohioans against H.F. 5717 and hammering back against the anti-gunners who got us ‘deplatformed’ by our credit card processor, your support has never been more important.
Please make a donation of whatever amount you can afford, here.
For Ohio,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners
P.S. The Coronavirus has shown, once and for all, how important Constitutional Carry law is in ensuring that Ohioans have the means to defend themselves and their loved ones!
It’s crucial that let your politicians in Columbus know that you expect this bill to move yet this year.
Sign your petition in support of Constitutional Carry now!
When you have sent your email, please consider a donation to make sure OGO has the resources we need to keep fighting for you!