By now you’ve likely heard about the special deal we are running for the month of July.
In celebration of the 4th of July — and the freedoms that we enjoy (and are FIGHTING for) as Americans – Ohio Gun Owners has put together a special offer for all new or renewed memberships during the month of July!
More about that in a moment.
First, I wanted to take a moment to let you know the status of the gun rights movement in Ohio, and why it’s so critical that you get involved in this fight.
Already Ohio Gun Owners has had major victories this General Assembly by advancing Constitutional Carry through standing committee for the first time in Ohio history and getting closer to a floor vote on Stand-Your-Ground law than ever before.
But that isn’t enough.
Now, with the 2020 elections looming, our state Republican leadership in shambles and Bloomberg funneling MILLIONS of dollars into Ohio to steal our elections, all bets are off in the fight for gun control.
And thanks to tremendous assistance from radical anti-gun media and Governor Mike DeWine’s continuous assaults on freedom, gun control momentum in Ohio is at a fever pitch.
And make no mistake, they aren’t looking to tinker around the edges, they want to do nothing less than gut the Second Amendment – just like they did in Virginia!
Just some of what they are demanding includes:
>>> A “Red Flag” gun-confiscation scheme on steroids, destroying due process for gun owners.
>>> A defacto “Universal Gun Registry” so that they can track, trace and register gun owners like sex offenders.
>>> A complete ban on the AR-15 and hundreds of modern firearms.
And these are just three of the dozens of gun control bills being advanced at the Statehouse.
Now, thankfully none of this legislation has become law so far in 2019 or 2020 thanks to your intense activism and political combat engagement.
But the real question is, which side will have the momentum coming out of the 2020 elections and into our Lame Duck session and the start of the 2021 legislative session?
That’s why we need every Ohioan who cares about the Second Amendment to stand with us now, so that we have the resources we need to effectively FIGHT BACK!
And like I said above, now is a great time to get involved because during the month of July, ALL memberships come with a FREE T-Shirt from Ohio Gun Owners.

The fighting back that I referred to above will start very soon, as the 2020 elections are already in full swing.
The best way for us to protect our gun rights during the 2021 session is to wreak havoc on anti-gun lawmakers who are trying to keep their record a secret.
Trust me, nothing cools the flames of gun control amongst a hostile caucus in Columbus like looking around the room and noticing that gun owners axed out a few of their friends during the previous election!
This is how we fight back!
No politician or political party is going to stop this, you and I have to do it.
But we need your help to put this program into action.
So please stand with us now and pick up some free gear at the same time.

For Ohio,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners