Momentum for Constitutional Carry legislation is beginning to build all across the Buckeye state!
Thousands of Ohioans are signing petitions for OGO to deliver at the Statehouse in Columbus, as well as making calls and sending emails to their Representative.
And this is before the final draft is even completed!
We’re going over the draft language with a fine-tooth comb, and should have the final draft language shortly.
But gun owners across Ohio need to start contacting their legislators to tell them to co-sponsor Rep Ron Hood’s Constitutional Carry bill the MOMENT it is introduced!
We already have pledges to co-sponsor Constitutional Carry from several pro-gun members like Reps Candice Keller, Nino Vitale, Bill Dean and others.
But your state representative needs to hear from you right away!
Please call your representative’s office and tell them you want them to cosponsor Rep Ron Hood’s Constitutional Carry bill the moment it’s available!
You can find out who your state representative is by clicking here.
As always, be polite but firm on the phone!
It’s vital Second Amendment supporters like you and me turn on the heat at the Statehouse.
With the largest “pro-gun majority” in Ohio history, NOW is a historic opportunity to go on OFFENSE and take back from the government what they’ve taken from us.
It’s happening in states across the country; now it is Ohio’s turn.
Please take action — make your call — at once!
For Freedom,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners
P.S. Click here and sign your Petition to Pass Constitutional Carry in Ohio!
We’ll deliver it for you at the Statehouse!