It would be easy to sit back in the aftermath of Florida and let the gun-grabbers lie repeatedly without interruption about our Second Amendment rights.
But you know that’s not who we are here at Ohio Gun Owners.
We’ve taken to social media, mail, email and we’ll be in the halls of the Statehouse in Columbus tomorrow to combat the disinformation being spewed throughout the Fake News media and on the internet.
In other words, we’re not backing down, we’re not guilty, we’re not ashamed and we hold no share of the blame for what happened in Florida.
After watching the last few days of Soros-funded mouthpieces attacking our rights, it should be more clear to you that if they EVER get the votes, your firearms will be confiscated and destroyed.
And the Second Amendment will get shredded.
It’s important that when talking to friends, family, neighbors and our legislators, you and I are clear about this main point . . .
Despite claims that “gun control” protects Americans, it’s 100% not true, and the Florida shooting proves that.
- The shooting occurred in a federally-created “gun free zone”.
- Guns were “banned” at the school.
- The FBI was alerted to the shooter and his desires on TWO occasions, and have admitted they failed in following up properly.
- Local government authorities responded to calls at the shooter’s home 39 times since 2010.
- The shooter passed a FBI government background check when purchasing the firearm used.
The theme here is a failure of government, which we know to be common virtually all the time.
Yet the politicians, some even on the Republican side, say we need more government to make sure this doesn’t happen.
We call BULL on that here at Ohio Gun Owners.
No amount of government control short of a totalitarian dictatorship could have stopped this killer.
That’s why when we hear calls for more gun control, they should be rejected immediately.
What you’re likely to hear in the coming days are calls to pass Feinstein’s “NICS FIX” Bill, designed to “beef up” government databases and put more names of Americans on lists who would be banned from owning, buying or possessing firearms.
This will be pushed under the guise of “mental health” legislation.
Even if the President of the United States comes out in support of a version of this, gun owners should actively oppose such expansion of federal databases that we’ve seen clear evidence of not working, and banning people from carrying or owning firearms who shouldn’t be banned.
Here in Ohio, we remain focused on adding cosponsors to the Vitale/Keller Stand-Your-Ground bill! If you haven’t already, contact your state representative and demand they add their name as a cosponsor immediately!
Capitol insiders report to me in the coming days you and I are likely to see a flurry of bills concerning a number of other issues, including some serious pushes for gun-control.
We will be watching these bills closely and, as we refuse to let these politicians to kick the can on Stand-Your-Ground in favor of the issue of the day.
Be sure to check back tomorrow when I will report to you live from the Statehouse in Columbus.
Most importantly, we cannot let a madman like the shooter in Florida be an excuse to shred our cherished Constitutional rights.
Until tomorrow, stay active, stay mobilized, stay involved, and never give an inch.
For freedom,
Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners
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