The radical left is attacking Ohio Gun Owners and I need your help to fight back!
As many of you noticed, OGO’s online fundraising ability ‘went dark’ some time ago, severing our ability to raise support online, at the worst possible time.
You see, OGO has spent heavily all session long, mobilizing tens of thousands of gun owners who sent emails to Columbus, insisting that legislators oppose moderate RINO’s and Democrats’ efforts to pass ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ and ‘Universal Gun Registration’ and instead pass Stand-Your-Ground law.
This was a huge fight that made statewide news and showed gun-grabbers that they would pay a price for advancing gun control.
We’ve been successful at stopping them — so far — but it hasn’t been cheap.
While we’ve spent big in the 2020 primary and plan to spend even bigger in the coming general elections, I was already worried about how we were going to pay for all of the print and digital ads that I know we’re going to need.
And then I got the text message from a lifetime member of Ohio Gun Owners, telling me that when he went to make a $100 donation to the organization, our system wouldn’t accept his support.
I assumed he simply made a mistake.
But then I checked my email.
(This was all OGO’s donors have seen when trying to donate online for the last few weeks, after we were ‘deplatformed’ by our online credit card processor with no notice.)
That’s when I learned that the company we had used for years to securely handle the donations of Ohio Gun Owners’ members like you had booted us off their platform with zero notice!
You’ve probably heard about the corporate gun control movement that is well underway across the country.
From banks that will suddenly refuse to let gun stores bank with them to insurance companies who suddenly stop insuring gun shows, the list of corporations that have declared war against the Second Amendment is growing.
But it hadn’t happened to us before. And when it did, it cost us precious dollars that we need to maintain the fight for gun rights here in Ohio!
Of course, we worked diligently to quickly bring our online fundraising abilities back online.
And to be honest, our new donation system looks better, it works better, and it’s even more affordable than the system we were using.
But being shut down like that, even for just a few weeks, will certainly hamper our efforts to expose gun grabbers during the upcoming 2020 general elections, when so much is on the line.
If we don’t have the ammo we need to fight with, we can’t fight. It’s just that simple.
OGO has been fighting like hell for gun owners in Ohio all session long, hammering on politicians to stop their gun control agenda, but it’s all been made possible by your generosity!
Corporate gun grabbers are trying to shut us down by trying to make sure you can’t support the work of this great organization.
I hope you won’t let them get away with it. Make your donation to Ohio Gun Owners today!
For Ohio,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners
P.S. With the fight for gun rights raging all across the country, more corporations are wading in this fight, denying services to groups that fight for gun rights.
Recently, Ohio Gun Owners was ‘deplatformed’ by the credit card processing company that we have used to handle your online donations for years!
With no notice, we were cut off. This hurt us, denying us critical funding, funding that we need for the upcoming 2020 general elections.
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