America is once again being rocked with violence, looting and burning over the last couple of nights by Antifa/BLM terrorists.
Traditionally, when a group of thugs use violence to accomplish their political agenda, they are labeled as “political terrorists” and arrested.
But as we’ve seen from May until today, that’s not happening anymore.
And as violent thugs tear down our statues and destroy our history, anti-gun radicals like Antifa and BLM are still demanding passage of radical gun control.
Remember, these are the same thugs and criminals that were rioting, destroying and BURNING Ohio cities like Columbus and Cleveland only a few months ago!

We say absolutely hell no.
Ohioans have had enough.
All that these riots, looting and violence have proven is how desperately Ohio needs life-saving Stand-Your-Ground law, so that law-abiding citizens won’t go to prison for the “crime” of protecting themselves against violent attackers.
Under Stand-Your-Ground, law-abiding gun owners would:
1) Face no so-called “duty to retreat.”
Under current Ohio law, you are required to try and get away from a criminal attacker before being able to legally use self-defense to protect yourself.
In a situation where your life is on the line, the LAST thing you want to be thinking about is whether or not you’ve retreated far enough to satisfy the urges of an anti-gun judge who wants to destroy you;
2) Receive criminal immunity from anti-gun prosecutors.
In other words, no more anti-gun prosecutors trying to make an example of you — or taking a case to court to make a political statement, like they recently tried to do to the Missouri couple;
3) Receive civil immunity.
That means the money-grubbing family of some thug you had to defend yourself against can’t come after you in court and sue you for millions!
4) Codify the “Threatened Use of Force.”
Right now, there are no legal protections for a gun owner who pulls his firearm in fear for his safety, but who does not have to pull the trigger because the criminal flees the scene.
This legislation would codify the threatened use of force, so long as the threat of that force was justified under the circumstances.
Without each piece of this four-legged stool — which Ohio citizens DO NOT currently enjoy — those who defend themselves are effectively sitting ducks.
So every year — from Toledo to Columbus, and Cincinnati to Cleveland — law-abiding gun owners face the prospect of being prosecuted for simply defending themselves!
And with riots, looting and violence becoming far too common, it’s time to redouble our efforts to force votes on and pass this life-saving legislation.
The time to fight is now.
For too long, politicians in Columbus have played nice with the radical left.
For too long, politicians like Mike DeWine and John Kasich have blocked our pro-gun bills to appease the radical left.
But lives are on the line and our Ohio laws entirely favor the violent criminal, not the law-abiding citizen.
Let’s change that!
Sign your petition in support of Stand-Your-Ground law right now by clicking this link!
When you’re done, please consider making an emergency donation to Ohio Gun Owners to help us FIGHT for our freedoms.
Michael Bloomberg and the Biden/Harris machine are loving the violence across America right now as they pour MILLIONS of dollars into our state elections, hoping to strip us of our cherished freedoms.
The only force strong enough to repel them is you. The only political army that can defeat their agenda and pass Stand-Your-Ground law is the members of Ohio Gun Owners.
These are bizarre times that we are living in, to be sure, but Ohio Gun Owners will always be here to fight like hell on your behalf.
Thank you, in advance, for standing up for our right to keep and bear arms and for the future of our country!
For Ohio,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners