Statehouse RALLY: Save the Date! (September 14)

Mark your calendars and clear your schedules, because we’re holding a RALLY at the Statehouse on September 14th!

I would love it if you could be there with some of your friends and family.

Ever since only a few hours after the Dayton shooting happened, gun-control militants have been on the warpath against gun owners like you and me.

And with everybody from Beto O’Rourke telling America that if he’s elected President he’ll confiscate every AR15 in the country, to our own governor Mike DeWine saying that he wants to destroy due process for gun owners by passing Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders and implementing a statewide gun registry, we need to stand up and FIGHT!

That’s why I’m asking you to load up your car with as many friends and family members as you can and join us on the west lawn of the Statehouse on September 14th at 11:30am – to rally AGAINST their gun-control agenda!

Here’s the details:
Who: Everyone who loves America and our Second Amendment!
Where: Ohio Statehouse, west lawn.
When: Saturday, September 14th.
What time: Event opens at 11:00am, Rally kicks off at 11:30am
How long: 11:30-1, max.
Parking: Under the Statehouse in the parking garage, usually $6. Open air parking on east side of the Statehouse, too.
Firearms Allowed: Yes, this is a gun-rights rally!! Firearms are allowed in the parking garage as well, just not in the Statehouse itself. Please follow all local, state and federal laws.
What to bring: Lawn chairs, cameras, cell phones charged up for streaming video, and your pride in being a freedom-loving American!

If you use facebook, the even page with further details is located HERE.

And Site, this rally couldn’t come at a more important moment as our General Assembly is set to come back to Columbus only three days after our rally to start deliberating on whether or not they’re going to clamp down on our gun rights!

That’s why I hope you’ll be there. This rally is joint-sponsored by Ohio Gun Owners, Ohioans for Concealed Carry and Ohio Carry, and we want every gun owner in the state to be there.

Please come if you can!

For Freedom,

Chris Dorr, Director

Ohio Gun Owners

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