The 2020 Ohio Primaries are rapidly approaching! The Ohio Primary is gun owners’ opportunity to make the BIGGEST impact for gun rights of the entire election cycle. Simply put, the winners of the Ohio Senate and Ohio House of Representatives races will have a...
The Second Amendment was written as a prohibition on government, NOT on law abiding gun owners like you. Believe it or not, there ARE some states in America where the legislatures take that seriously! That’s why Republican legislative leadership in our...
ACTION ITEM BELOW! Please scroll down and take action once you have read this article! You’ve sent thousands of emails. You made hundreds of phone calls. You demanded NO votes on weakening amendments. Above all, you told them to vote YES on HB178, the Ohio...
I’ve got some great news, but I also have some alarming news, so I hope you’ll read this email and take quick action! Good News The great news is that Constitutional Carry is scheduled for a vote in the House Federalism Committee this coming week, possibly on...
With THREE positive hearings already completed for Constitutional Carry (HB178), it is time for grassroots gun owners like you and me from all across Ohio to start directly lobbying our State Representatives to vote YES on Constitutional Carry! Just like we bombarded...