Since the Ohio legislature is on break until next week, Constitutional Carry sponsor Representative Ron Hood has decided to keep the co-sponsorship window open another week! That means your state representative can still sign on as a cosponsor to Constitutional Carry!...
Time is running short, so please read email and take action right away. The deadline for your state representative to add themselves as a co-sponsor the Ohio Constitutional Carry bill sponsored by State Representative Ron Hood is close-of-business tomorrow. Has your...
Constitutional Carry is starting to move, and I need a few minutes of your time today to give it a big push. As we said last week, the Ohio Constitutional Carry Act of 2017 by Representatives Hood and Brinkman is completed and ready for co-sponsors. And after we asked...
“What does the bill actually say?” “Can you shoot me a copy of the bill?” “Excellent, but do I still have to notify an officer I’m exercising my Rights each time I see one?” These are a sample of the questions we’ve received in the last 24 hours after we...
It’s time to burn down their phone lines. If you’ve been reading our recent emails, you know that Ohio Gun Owners has been working with legislators to bring forward the Ohio Constitutional Carry Act of 2017. Now I’m happy to report that the drafting process is...