Urgent: Help Us Stop the ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban!

As you are reading this email, the House Rules Committee is advancing H.R. 1808, Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Assault Weapons’ ban that is designed to disarm the American people.

This committee hearing is a total sham. The bill will move out of the committee, and it will be ready for a vote in the full House as early as tonight.

The million-dollar question right now is whether or not Pelosi has the votes to pass this bill on the floor, or whether gun owners can battle back and shut this attack down!?

I know that you’ve been helping us put pressure on our Congressional delegation against this bill. But the battle is absolutely raging RIGHT NOW.

So I am asking for your help again.

Please do three things — this morning — to help us crush this bill and send a message that even trying to ban our AR-15s and 30 round magazines is dangerous for vulnerable politicians.

First, send this pre-written email to your Congressman and demand that he/she ‘VOTE NO’ on H.R. 1808 or be prepared to face the electoral consequences.

Second, call your Congressman this morning at 202-224-3121 and tell them that you expect him/her to ‘VOTE NO’ on H.R. 1808 or you will tell all of your friends about their vote for gun control!

Third, make a donation to make sure that we can continue to have the resources we need to get this information into the hands of every gun owner in the state!

These communist thugs want to turn our beloved America into the next Venezuela, where political opponents are ‘disappeared’ every night, and where the government rules by fear and oppression.

But they can’t do that to an armed population! 

America was conceived in rebellion against the tyranny of Europe! But now the tyranny we are facing is in our own White House and in our own Congress!

Take action right away, so that we can save our country from the clutches of these evil people who hate America so much and who want to destroy it from the inside out.

For Freedom,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners

P.S. The House Rules Committee is voting — as you read this — to advance H.R. 1808 (Biden’s ‘Assault Weapons’ ban) which means it will be ready for a full House vote as early as tonight!

But Pelosi is having trouble getting the votes. And we may be able to stop this attack on our freedoms if we continue to flood Congress with calls and emails against this bill!

Use the links above to send a message to Joe

Biden that gun owners will NEVER let him disarm this great country.